Tuesday, December 9, 2008

image_nytimes preservation predicament

With rising sea levels, urban edges are at risk. A NYTimes article goes into depth describing what this means in terms of preservation of biologically rich landscapes. Wetlands are largely at risk as they lack an ability to move inland due to the existing conditions of the built environment. As are islands. Ecologists and conservation ecologists ponder how landscapes already under preservation will survive climatic changes. Can they survive? Coral reefs have already been devastated.
Moreover, "Others worry about efforts to restore the fresh water flow of the Everglades, given that much of it will be under water as sea level rises. Some geologists say it may be advisable to abandon efforts to preserve some fragile coastal barrier islands and focus instead on allowing coastal marshes to migrate inland, as sea level rises."
This article seems to be in conversation with the introduction of Discordant Harmonies. Do we fall under the belief that "nature knows best," or do we understand and realize that the environmental history of the world has been one of continuous and incremental change? And if so, where can we position ourselves within this dialogue?

(thanks for the article, Ivan)

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