Monday, February 25, 2013

article_walls to protect from water

Historically, cities have used walls to keep out threats from enemies, intruders, and invaders.  They were instituted as modes of militaristic self defense.  Today, Hoboken is proposing walls to keep a new enemy out - water.  Rather than providing piece-meal solutions for each individual structure, the mayor is proposing a more holistic approach. However, can a wall really be enough?  Hear more here.  I believe the mayor's approach is  a step in the right direction to think on a more urban scale.  However, there may be a more suitable and radical solution that can occur through research and consultant design collaboration.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

article_re-thinking infrastructure with climate change

Today's interview on NPR discusses the need to re-think infrastructure in our cities, specifically in New York.  Con Edison, the most prevalent power supplier, says that the four of the five most devastating storms happened within the past 2.5 years.  This frequency of storms suggest climate is actually changing.  It is estimated that $800 million will be needed just to protect the 10 electric substations that flooded during Sandy.